Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Aura View 1

Seen on the same person on the same day. Squished aura with a void at the base of the neck. Tear in the aura from crown to third eye. Not much light in the aura. This person possibly suffers a great deal of depression, has low energy and has experience violent trauma.

On observation, she appeared to walk slowly and seemed to lack interest in life and her work.

This is What I See...

What most people don't know is that I see auras. Usually I draw what I see and try to understand what it is I have seen.

This particular talent made itself very sharply known when, after my very first chiropractic adjustment, I saw my chiropractor's aura very distinctly immediately afterwards. I see other stuff too, but more on that later.

The purpose of this blog is to log what I see as well as to display my art. We'll see how it all works. Perhaps the art will have to find its own place.